As we continue to move forward in the age of Work-From-Home (WFH) and data continues to grow and reside in locations outside of on-premises data centers, we must take a closer look and re-evaluate how we protect and secure data. Traditional network security is no longer viable to protecting you data. Today’s cyber threats are...Read More
As I reflect back on the previous 10 years, I’m reminded of how resistant organizations were to adopting the cloud. It was the same for virtualization back in the circa 2006 timeframe. Look at where we are now. Organizations everywhere have embraced some form of cloud strategy, and in many cases, adopted a multi-cloud deployment...Read More
The Big Red Easy Button By now, most folks know that VMware offers encryption with both vSphere and vSAN and that HyTrust KeyControl is VMware’s preferred method to enable encryption for both. The fact that HyTrust KeyControl is the preferred method is a telling story. Organizations looking to encrypt are trying to do so as...Read More
I’ve seen this request to help replace an expired license on HyTrust CloudControl (HTCC) come up several times now. It’s a pretty straightforward process and not complicated at all, but it made sense to create a quick post as to how to replace an expired license. As mentioned before, CloudControl is our solution that provides...Read More
Now that you have you deployed and configured your first KeyControl appliance. You can continue with setting up KeyControl in a High Availability (HA) cluster. In order to do this, we’ll need to deploy a second KeyControl appliance into the environment. The following steps assume you have already deployed and configured the primary KeyControl appliance...Read More
I’ve updated my KeyControl Quick Install Guide to be in line with the latest release of KeyControl 4.2.1. Quite frankly, this version is even easier to deploy than previous versions and those were easy to install, to begin with. This guide is intended to help you get KeyControl installed very quickly in your environments so that...Read More
I’m very happy to announce that HyTrust is now offering a free one-year KeyControl license to all current vExperts. Many vExperts have reached out or have been redirected to me via Slack, Twitter, and other social media outlets asking for a KeyControl temp license for functionality testing in their labs and blogging purposes. Many...Read More
The last year and a half has been a whirlwind. Going from VMware, then to PernixData, and finally over to HyTrust. I’ve been so busy in my new role that I actually forgot that a whole year has gone by. October 1, had marked my 1 year anniversary at HyTrust. I get to work...Read More
Well it’s official! I’ve decided to start blogging. There are a number of bloggers that have egged me on to start blogging for some time now. You know who are. Some work or have worked for VMware, EMC, HP, Dell, you know… the usual suspects. ? I’ve always put my...Read More