Hello World!






Well it’s official! I’ve decided to start blogging. There are a number of bloggers that have egged me on to start blogging for some time now. You know who are. Some work or have worked for VMware, EMC, HP, Dell, you know… the usual suspects. ?  I’ve always put my technical findings in some form of personal space, as well as health & fitness related items. To be honest, I’ve always loved writing, but not just about the technical. I love recording my thoughts and experiences as a father and husband so that one day, I can take a look back in history and recall some of these wonderful memories I’ve experienced.

So to my brothers and sisters out there, please help me get the word out on social media. It would surly be appreciated. Please leave a comment below if you feel inclined to do so.

Anyhow, I wanted to blast this out there, so please be patient while I get this place in order. There’s some work to be done. I hope that you find this blog useful and at the very least find it entertaining. This blog will primarily be around technology and Health & Fitness, but we’ll see where it will take me. So get ready, because here I come!
